January 2024


  • A Note From The Principal
  • Important Dates
  • Upcoming Dates
  • December Fun Around Roosevelt
  • Pick Up & Drop Off Reminder
  • Weather Update
  • D.A.R.E. Night 
  • Attendance Office Info
  • A Note From The Nurse
  • PBIS Newsletter
  • Conscious Discipline


Roosevelt Elementary Calendar

Parent Portal

Staff Directory





A Note From The Principal


Dear Roosevelt Families,

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2024! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and an enjoyable winter break with your family and friends! It will be fun and exciting to be back together as our school and classroom families when the new year starts!

As we start back at school with our long winter months ahead, please be sure to review your PBIS family handbook to help us reinforce our PBIS philosophies at school and follow the Roosevelt Way: Be Respectful, Responsible and Safe. Students will be participating in our PBIS booster (reminder) of expectations, appropriate winter recess behavior and much more during our first week back. 

The week of January 22-26th is Wisconsin Crossing Guard Week. Please join all of us at Roosevelt in thanking our crossing guards for all they do to keep our students and families safe in the mornings! We are so thankful for their help, friendly waves, and smiles each day!

Looking ahead… our next school parent/teacher conferences will take place on February 1st and February 5th from 3:15-6:45. These will be for all students and will be scheduled conferences in advance, so keep your eye out in the weeks to come on how to sign up for these conferences with your child’s teacher.


Kristin Burgert

Important  Dates

January 2nd - School Resumes

January 10th - ACCESS Testing

January 15th - No School -Martin Luther King Day

January 22nd - No School - Professional Development 

January 26th - PTO Movie Night in the Gym 6pm

January 30th - PTO Meeting in the Media Center 6pm

Free-clip-art-happy-new-year-6 - St. John's in Ross

Upcoming Dates

February - Black History Month

February 1st & 6th - Parent Teacher Conferences 3:15-6:45pm 

February 6th - 1st Grade Field Trip to Barlow Planetarium 8:30am-11:00am

February 9th - No School - Professional Development

free-mark-your-calendar-clipart-6 - Spring Ridge Elementary


First page of the PDF file: WinnebagoCountyDARENight

Be sure to check out the panels below for updated information on various topics!